
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2020


* OPINION AND THOUGHT* In English, opinion and thoughts are rather different in their definition. Opinion is basically a statement about what you have in mind about something, either agree or disagree, pro or con and so on. Thoughts are actually ideas or what you think about something. It can be an opinion, solution, critics etc. Between opinion and thoughts, they also have a slight difference in their expression. Here are the statements for each of them. Saying opinion:     In my opinion,...     I think...     I believe...     I'd say....     I agree with that     I disagree with that Giving thoughts:     I have an idea...     I think ...     I suppose such is a good idea     I have to say such is mistaken     it should be...     it should have been... * Dialog Ara:  What’s your opinion of smoking? Fatiana:  I’m not sure. For me, it’s important that children do not smoke. Ara:  But do you think it’s a good idea that people can smoke in shops and buses? Fatiana:  I don’t think so.

Offers & Suggestions

~  SUGGESTIONS : Is advice given to someone, good and right., make suggestions * Types Suggestion : I don’t think.....(saya tidak berfikir) Why don’t me..... (kenapa tidak kita) What do you feel about....(apa yang kamu fikir tentang) I suggest that...(saya menyarankan kamu) Accepting Suggestions (menyetujui saran) Yes,Let’s go (Ya,ayo pergi) Yes,let’s (Ya ayo) Ok,If you say so.(Ok,jika kamu berkata seperti itu) Declining suggestions (menolak saran) No,Thank you.(tidak terimakasih) Sorry,I think (maaf,saya pikir) Sorry,I can’t * Example : a.  = I suggest that you go to library.(saya menyerankan kamu pergi keperpustakaan) b. = Yes,Let’s go.(Ya,ayok pergi) ~ OFFERS : Is a method used to deliver offers to someone , correctly and politely Making offers (membuat penawaran) * Types Making Offers : Can I....?(dapatkah saya...?) May I....?(bolehkah saya...?) Shall I....?(haruskah saya...?) Would you...?(Maukah kamu...? Accepting offers (menyetujui penawaran)   * Types Accepting of


Assalammualaikum wr.wb. This is my blog in class XII IPA 1 and i will introduce my self Hello, My name is Fitri Zahra Andika. You can call me Ara. Iwas born in Jakarta, 26 of November 2003. My hobbies are listening music, watching movies , playing vollyball , and Cooking already a few months the world is affected by the corona virus and all activities are carried out in the house both work and study, I am very sad because it can not get together with friends, teachers, and relatives but I'm sure with us at home we will break the chain of the spread of the corona virus I pray that the corona virus pandemic will end quickly and we can work, study together again and be able to meet with friends, take care of your health and don't forget to clean your hands.