Cause and Effect
Expressing Cause and Effect ~ Expressing Cause and Effect explain causal relationships and can take the form of clauses or sentences. If it is a clause, it is usually contained in the same sentence and is complete with a comma. Meanwhile, if it is in the form of a sentence, it usually consists of two related sentences. Linking Word for Expressing Cause and Effect There are several types of conjunctions or linking words that are often used for Expressing Cause and Effect, which are as follows : 1 . Conjunctio n In English grammar, a conjunction is a word or group of words used to connect phrases and clauses. Here are some conjunctions that are often used to Express Cause and Effect: ~ Because My mother is cooking a feast because my sister said that she will be coming today (My mother is cooking so much because my sister said she will come today) In this example, the because conjunction becomes the conjunction of two clauses. The first clause is My moth...