* Exposition text :

is a series of sentences that aim to explain an idea from one point of view to the readerexposition text is a series of sentences that aim to explain an idea from one point of view to the reader

 * Exposition text or divided into two, namely hortatory exposition and analytical exposition.

 ~ hortatory exposition

Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or reader that something should or should not happen, atau dengan kata lain hortatory text merupakan bentuk text yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan akan suatu hal dan berfungsi untuk mempengaruhi pembaca atau pendengar nya.


~ Structure Hortatory Text

  • THESIS : Thesis berisi akan suatu pernyataan akan permasalahan yang terjadi, biasanya ditandai dengan kalimat in my opinion, according to me, for me dan lain sebagainya.
  • ARGUMENTS : Argumen disini sama dengan alasan yang digunakan untuk mendukung pernyataan yang telah di ucapkan. Argumen biasanya diawalli dengan kalimat firstly, secondly, because of that dan lainya.
  • RECOMMENDATION : Recommendation berisi akan saran yang di berikan penulis ataupun penutur akan kalimat yang telah di utarakan. Biasanya di tandai dengan kata should,shoudly,dan lain sebagainya.Contoh Tesis Hortatory Text | Zona ilmu 7

    The Characteristics / Language Feature of Hortatory exposition Text:
    – Focusing on the writer
    – Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
    – Using action verb
    – Using thinking verb
    – Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
    – Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc
    – Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
    – Using passive voice
    – Using simple present tense


 ~  Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborate the writer’s idea abaout the phenomenon sorrounding and to persuade the reader or listener. Dengan kata lain, analytical exposition sama dengan hortatory exposition yang bertujuan untuk meyakinkan para pembaca atau pendengar mengenai pendapat si penulis.

 ~ Structure Exposition Text

  • THESIS : Thesis berisi akan pernyataan yang di ungkapkan oleh si penulis yang biasanya menggunaka kalimat according to me, I think dan lain sebagainya.
  • ARGUMENTS : Argument berisi alasan-alasan yang mendukung tentang pernyataan. biasanya argumen tersebut diawali dengan urutan seperti firstly, secondly dan sebagainya.
  • CONCLUSION : Yaitu berisi kesimpulan akan pernyataan yang telah di ungkapkan oleh penulis.





Example Text Analytical 

Analytical Exposition Text – Men Sana In Corpore Sano

The term “Men sana in corpore sano” means that a healthy body makes a sound mind. More and more people nowadays are aware of the truth behind the maxim.
As a result, they make sports an integral part of their lives. Some people participate in sports to release energy and tension, while others do it to make friends. Sports, such as soccer, basketball or boxing, have become an acceptable way to release energy and aggression.

Other sport like golf, mountain climbing, dancing or bowling can be means of starting or consolidating friendships. Most sports offer a constructive escape from the pressures of the everyday life. In fact, you can change your life if you take up and keep up an activity suited to your character, abilities and lifestyle.
It is important to realize that no matter what kind of exercise you do, you can be sure that it’s always good for your health and that it’s fun.

 video youtube : https://youtu.be/vqM1CznuufM





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